
Will we work well together?

Trying to write about myself without sounding cheesy was no easy feat. I decided a few bullet points with facts about me and a few photos should help you get an idea of who I am. If you can't be bothered going any further, the photos should suffice.

  • I am a mother of three very wild young boys.

  • I have always loved photography. It started as a hobby as far back as I can remember. I began with film and later moved on to a digital camera, which I took backpacking around Europe, Asia, and South America.

  • I love being outdoors. Get me outside, and I am instantly happier.

  • I am terrible at organising a household. No matter how much I tidy, the place is always a mess.

  • I never think your kids are as poorly behaved as you do during a session. I see all the cheeky grins amidst the chaos.

  • I don’t like pretence; I prefer getting to know the authentic side of people. The quirkier the better, authenticity brings so much richness to life.

  • I love swimming. I train with my squad 3-4 times a week. When I am swimming, I am 100% in the moment; nothing brings me more peace or confidence.

  • There is a swimwear brand called Jolyn. Not particularly relevant, but I find it interesting; I am yet to personally meet another Jolyn.

  • I get lost in books. I can escape my life and be transported to another with a good book. It's the closest I can get to walking in another's shoes. If I had to pick a favourite it would be, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, by J.D Salinger or ‘The Goldfinch’, by Donna Tart.

  • I am not a flashy person. I’m happy wearing my Converse, makeup-free, and driving my beat-up old car. I love eclectic, mismatched aesthetics; anything too uniform makes me feel uneasy.

  • I don’t like having my photo taken. I understand your pain and do my best to make you feel as relaxed as possible. Most of my favorite images are taken in-between those awkward poses. I often set them up just to make you laugh. If you are one of those amazing people who love the camera, I let you do your thing.